Confirm that you want to uninstall the software. The Daemon Tools uninstallation wizard will open.Find Daemon Tools Lite in the list of installed software, and click Uninstall.Type Add or Remove Programs in the Windows search bar.In the meantime, follow these steps to completely remove the software from your computer. If Daemon Tools Lite isn’t the right program for you, check out the free alternatives below.
How to Uninstall Daemon Tools Lite from your Computer When the installation is complete, you can either click Run to start the program, or Close and the wizard will turn off, and you can start the program whenever you’re ready.
How to Download and Install Daemon Tools Lite for Free The files can be viewed on your device in the same way as if there was an actual CD inserted in your computer.įollow the instruction below to get Daemon Tools Lite for free. With Daemon Tools Lite, you can have as many as four virtual drives running at a time. Daemon Tools Lite can mount the files on a virtual or physical hard drive and compress the data to save space.
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